Come Sail With Us!
Join 288 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps today! Click HERE to be transferred to the official Cadets Canada website to get your application started. Ensure you input 288 Ardent, Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps as the unit you’re interested in joining.
What are Cadets?
Cadets a national program for Canadian youth between the ages of 12 and 18. Sea Cadets participate in a variety of fun, challenging and rewarding activities while learning about the Canadian Navy and indeed the Canadian Armed Forces.
Sea Cadets are encouraged to become active, responsible members of their communities. They make valuable contributions to Canadian society on a daily basis in terms of environmental, citizenship and community activities.
Cadets also learn valuable life and work skills such as teamwork, leadership and citizenship.
Cadets are NOT members of the Canadian Armed Forces, nor are they expected to join the military. While they are introduced to Sea, Army and/or Air activities of the Canadian Armed Forces and certain traditions, they are also introduced to many other respectable career choices that are available to them.
The Cadet Program is community-based. The program succeeds through strong community support and involvement. Cadets in turn make valuable contributions to their communities.
Through the Cadet Program, the Government of Canada is investing in today’s youth and Canada’s future.
Learn about Cadets Canada
To learn more about Cadets Canada click HERE to be transferred to the Government of Canada “What Cadets Do” page!